Opening hours

Office vacation

Monday, 03.03.2025 - Friday, 07.03.2025




Office Dr. Moos & Dr. Nitzl-Willner
Hohenzollernring 74   95444 Bayreuth    Phone 0921 61122


Office Dr. Beierlein
Rosestraße 22    95448 Bayreuth    Phone 0921 82038


Office Dr. Fröhlich
Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 1    95448 Bayreuth    Phone 0921 853955


Office hours / scheduled appointment

To avoid long wait, please arrange an appointment for the office hours from Tuesday to Friday (Tel.: 0921 13443). Please bear with me, that on those days I will cure patients with appointment first.

Of course, you can come also without appointment; I will treat you then due to acuteness and urgency.

Mondays I do have open doctor's consultation, in which you can come without appointment; I will treat you respectively.

Office hours






08:00h - 12:30h  and  14:00h - 17:00h

08:00h - 12:30h  and  15:00h - 18:00h

08:00h - 12:30h

08:00h - 12:30h

08:00h - 12:30h

and by appointment

Standby service / rescue service

Outside of the office hours please contact the standby medical serviceTel. 116 117 ) for urgent treatments or in case of emergencies the rescue serviceTel. 112 ).

In the evening, on public holidays and at the weekend, the general medical KVB standby practice at Carl-Schüller-Straße 10, 95444 Bayreuth is open as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Wednesday, Friday

Saturday, Sunday, public holiday

18:00h - 21:00h

16:00h - 21:00h

09:00h - 21:00h